01942 375 675

Unit 2 Eckersley Mill, Swan Meadow Road, Wigan, WN3 5BD

Rules & Regulations

Wigan Roller Rink wishes everyone a safe and enjoyable Skating experience. In the interest of safety, sportsmanship and consideration of all guests (particularly children) and staff, we would appreciate all parties observe and respect the rules and regulations whilst on our premises:

  • Smoking & E-cigarettes only allowed in the designated outside smoking area.
  • In the interest of safety, all personal belongings must be secured into the lockers.  Please DO NOT leave personal items unattended. GDP (NW) Ltd is not responsible or liable for any item(s) deemed lost or stolen.
  • No chewing gum on the Roller Rink.
  • Walking on the Roller Rink is not permitted. Everyone on the Rink must have skates on.
  • Own food and beverage items cannot be brought into the building.
  • Anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs WILL NOT be allowed on the premises. We operate a Zero Tolerance Policy.
  • Bad language will not be tolerated.
  • All In-Line and Quad Skates must be clean and in good repair. NO MISSING WHEELS OR SHARP EDGES.
  • Fast, reckless behaviour, tag playing, or skating in an unsafe manner that may jeopardise the safety of others is not permitted.
  • In the interest of hygiene, every person renting Skates must wear socks. (Socks may be purchased for £1.00).
  • PARENT SPECTATORS ONLY. Everyone entering Wigan Roller Rink premises are required to pay an admission fee.
  • Children under the age of 12 cannot be left unattended in the venue. A responsible adult must be in the building either skating or spectating
  • GDP (NW) Ltd Management reserves the right to inspect Skates, Skate Bags, Bags or similar items when entering or leaving premises.
  • Please report all accidents to Management or a member of Staff.
  • In the interest of safety and good conduct, Patron's are requested to follow all posted signage and verbal rules and instructions.
  • Parents/Guardians will be held fully responsible for the conduct and actions of their children.
  • GDP (NW) Ltd Management reserves the right to refuse entrance to anyone for any reason.
  • Persons entering the Wigan Roller Rink premises and car parks assume all risks regarding accidents and injury to themselves.
  • Outdoor skates will be allowed after safety assessment.
  • No black Stoppers.


About Us

Wigan Roller Rink is the ultimate indoor Roller Skating destination for all the family to enjoy, combining Europe’s biggest wood floor rink, bar, cafe, bar, entertainments, roller skate lessons and activities – all under one roof.

Contact Info

Wigan Roller Rink, Unit 2 Eckersley Mill, Swan Meadow Road, Wigan, WN3 5BD

01942 375 675


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